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Ungathered Thoughts

Using Drupal Migrate to report on content

A customer requested a report of:

  1. How many times a given token ([foo:some-value:3]) could be found in a content corpus
  2. The specific IDs of each value in each content item

The content corpus in question is a decent size (150K content items) stored in a Drupal 7 DB. While this request might be deliverable via a SQL query, the risk of bypassing application logic is that we might not account for some detail of implementation that means we miss some content items.

Since we're already writing migrations for this Drupal 7 site, why not use Drupal Migrate to report on it?

Here's my plan, and how it worked out:

  1. Add a temporary field to the Drupal 9 destination content fields
  2. Add a migration which extracts the tokens only from the source content and stores it to that field.
  3. Run the migration and see


This request came in before we had the Drupal 9 site codebase for the site in question ready, so I opted to hijack another similar site's DB for the purpose.

I brought up the Drupal 7 dev environment in Lando, and reconfigured the destination site's Migrate source connection to use the same credentials but with a changed hostname. Lando makes the DB for an environment available at something like where name is derived from the D7 site's name value.

Drupal 9 web/sites/default/settings.php:

$databases['migrate']['default'] = [
'database' => getenv('MIGRATION_DATABASE_NAME'),
'username' => getenv('MIGRATION_DATABASE_USERNAME'),
'password' => getenv('MIGRATION_DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
'prefix' => '',
// 'host' => getenv('MIGRATION_DATABASE_HOST'),
'host' => 'database.SITENAME.internal',
'port' => getenv('MIGRATION_DATABASE_PORT'),
'driver' => getenv('MIGRATION_DATABASE_DRIVER'),

I confirmed that I could now see the alternate D7 source data via drush migrate:status.

Side quest: performance challenge!

This drush migrate:status command was really really slow. In another terminal I connected to the D7 source system and executed watch -n5 "mysql -uroot -e 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST'" to see what was going on. The query was checking content for regex matches against %src="/file%, and sure enough this led me to the Media Migrate plugin and a performance issue I'd raised 11months ago, which now had a patch. Win!

I didn't want to have to iterate through the entire content set to develop, so I used drush migrate:import migration_id --limit=1 --migrate-debug to identify the first node we'd get out of the system. This would become my sacrificial test node, even though it didn't originally contain the tokens in question.

I modified the D7 DB state directly so that I would be able to retrieve a matching result from the first source row. It's intentional that the tokens aren't identical.

update field_revision_body set body_value='blah\n\n[foo:grouped-media:0]\n\n[foo:grouped-media-table:1]\n\n[foo:grouped-media:2]\n\nblah' where entity_id=74
update field_data_body set body_value='blah\n\n[foo:grouped-media:0]\n\n[foo:grouped-media-table:1]\n\n[foo:grouped-media:2]\n\nblah' where entity_id=74

I reconfigured the D9 site to have an additional field field_tmp_token_count (text) to store the report values. This can be later used in Views to report for the client. I exported the Drupal 9 configuration to preserve the field configuration.

I now created a node classic migration for the content type we were interested in. I modified it to process the body field directly into the temporary field.

  field_tmp_token_count: body/0/value

I commented out almost all other process pipelines; I only wanted the essentials: nid, vid, title, and anything else required for the migration to work as expected.

I then wrote the process plugin, testing my preg_match_all() using php -a (or drush core-cli).



namespace Drupal\foo_migrate\Plugin\migrate\process;

use Drupal\migrate\MigrateException;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateExecutableInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\ProcessPluginBase;
use Drupal\migrate\Row;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

* Count the number of tokens in a string.
* @MigrateProcessPlugin(
* id = "token_count"
* )
* @code
* field_token_count:
* plugin: token_count
* source: body/value
* @endcode

class TokenCount extends ProcessPluginBase {

* {@inheritdoc}
* @throws \Drupal\migrate\MigrateException

public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property) {
$matches = [];
$pattern = '/\[foo\:[^\[]*\]/';
$res = preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches);
if ($res) {
return implode(' ', $matches[0]);


Now I can use my process plugin in the migration:

plugin: token_count
source: body/0/value

I imported this configuration change using drush config:import and re-ran the migration with drush migrate:import migration_id --update --limit=1 --migrate-debug.

I could see the matched tokens extracted and stored in the destination field.

Now I could kick off the full migration and let it run. This took two and a half hours.

 [notice] Processed 48046 items (19490 created, 22960 updated, 0 failed, 5596 ignored) in 8539.5 seconds (337.6/min) - done with 'foo_d7_node_resource'

The migration yaml

uuid: 91a9f5db-d4fc-4387-9adc-24d672a89286
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
id: foo_d7_node_resource
class: Drupal\node\Plugin\migrate\D7NodeTranslation
field_plugin_method: null
cck_plugin_method: null
- 'Drupal 7'
- Content
migration_group: migrate_drupal_7
label: 'Node (Resource)'
plugin: d7_node_complete
node_type: resource
revision_log_append: '@logMessage'
plugin: get
source: tnid
plugin: get
source: vid
plugin: default_value
source: language
default_value: und
plugin: static_map
default_value: draft
source: '@moderation_state'
draft: draft
published: published
archive: archived
needs_review: draft
plugin: get
source: title
plugin: get
source: node_uid
plugin: get
source: status
plugin: token_count
source: body/0/value
plugin: 'entity_complete:node'
translations: true
default_bundle: resource
- foo_d7_media_document
- foo_d7_media_image
- foo_d7_media_video
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_author_corporate
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_content_status
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_copyright_licensing
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_region
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_resource_types
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_solr_keywords
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_tags
- foo_d7_taxonomy_term_viewpoint
- foo_d7_user
- foo_embedded_taxonomy_term